Kompetent und Professionell
Unsere Geschäftspartner
Für unsere Garne verwenden wir nur heimische Schafwolle. Dabei stammt die Wolle einer Garnlinie nur von einer Herde. Diese Wolle kaufen wir selbst ein. So können wir sicherstellen, dass Tierwohl und artgerechte Haltung garantiert sind.
In den schönsten Regionen Deutschlands
Use image with text to give your customers insight into your brand. Select imagery and text that relates to your style and story.
Verviers, Belgien
Wäscherei Traitex
Use image with text to give your customers insight into your brand. Select imagery and text that relates to your style and story.
Wagenfeld, Niedersachsen
Wagenfelder Spinnereien
Use image with text to give your customers insight into your brand. Select imagery and text that relates to your style and story.
Hirschhorn, Odenwald
Textilfärberei Hirschhorn
Use image with text to give your customers insight into your brand. Select imagery and text that relates to your style and story.
Korntal-Münchingen, nahe Stuttgart
Versandpartner log-mark
Use image with text to give your customers insight into your brand. Select imagery and text that relates to your style and story.